Winter Park IT Managed Services

Between 2020 and 2021, the average number of cyberattacks increased by over 15%, and most security executives feel that their companies are not prepared for what lies ahead. Cybersecurity is changing just as quickly as the digital industry, and if this isn’t your area of expertise, it can be difficult to keep up. This is why it’s so important to partner with Winter Park IT managed services providers like Diriga Technologies. We take care of your cybersecurity needs so you don’t have to. 

How A Winter Park IT Managed Services Provider Can Help

Gives you access to a team

If you’re a small to medium-sized business, chances are you don’t have a dedicated IT department working in-house. This type of staffing is often not feasible or necessary for organizations operating at your scale. Not only is in-house IT costly, if your office doesn’t have the internal IT infrastructure to support them, there may not be work for them to accomplish each day. 

A managed services provider gives you access to a team of knowledgeable, highly-skilled IT professionals. You’re not relying on a one-person IT department (or no IT department), which means you can take advantage of a wide range of skills like you would with a large in-house IT team. They are also there only when you need them, so you’re not maintaining in-house staff without a workload to necessitate it. 

Gives you access to the best programs

Utilizing an IT managed services provider means you have someone who can advise you on the best programs and hardware available to protect your business. Whether it’s installing the right firewall for your company or making sure you’re using the best antivirus software, Diriga Technologies works to protect your data and the privacy of your employees and customers. 

Not only can we provide you with the right tools, we can give your team the education they need to avoid exposure to cyberthreats. Our security awareness training service gives you:

  • Support, advice, and a custom plan using the knowledge and experience of IT industry veterans.
  • The new technology your business needs, minus the downtime and hurdles you don’t.
  • Solutions that complement and support your specific goals.
  • A full team of technicians and project managers to research, build, implement, and support your new technology.

We find that breaking the cycle of unsafe technology practices often involves internal behavior changes. Diriga Technologies is your partner in the fight against cybercrime, and we will work with you to keep your company safe. 

Provides a budget-friendly solution

Not only do Winter Park IT managed services protect you from cyberattacks, it’s a budget-friendly option. This is because managed services are provided at a flat monthly rate. You determine the services you will need, and we will work with you to find the best package for your business. We consider your IT needs, your budget, and industry standards when choosing the best managed services plan for you. 

Contact us today if you’re ready to keep your business better protected from cybercrime. We’re looking forward to working with you.